no reception : CONGO’S COLTAN
No Reception delves into the complex world of mineral extraction, focusing intently on the consequences of mining coltan, a pivotal component in cellphone production. This exploration uncovers the toll exacted on both the environment and the communities entangled in these practices.
Coltan, integral to tantalum capacitors in cellphones, reveals a stark truth: our devices' connectivity relies on a supply chain intertwined with exploitation, including child labor in places like the Congo. This series lays bare an unsettling irony—our constant tweeting and messaging inadvertently supports systems of suffering.
The series captures the stark contrast between the beauty of our devices and the harshness of the mining landscape. It's a poignant reminder that our digital habits are underpinned by ethical complexities and human injustices. "No Reception" challenges us to reconsider the hidden costs of our technological consumption, urging us to acknowledge the repercussions of our actions and the lives they impact.