Harm here is here there. In the throw-away culture of America, a landfill serves as a haunting metaphor for the postindustrial dilemma. It is a locus of decay, the residual of systemic greed and excess, a politically layered sites where relics from our past rot. The accelerating rate products are consumed, replaced, burned up and thrown out put an inexplicable strain on the environment. The illusion hinging happiness on consumption has consequences that manifest in toxic mountains shielded from public view. This ignorance is no longer a haven to bliss, but rather a threat to sustainability. In addressing America's culture of waste, I conflate the catalyst to consumption with its residual through mounting the images of landfills on light-boxes to stylistically mimic advertisements. Through this de-contextualization, one hopes to generate a sense of social consciousness around the cultural phenomenology of consumerism. ‘