All transcendence has disappeared, the natural world has been liquidated and substituted for an artificial one. We pride ourselves on industrialization manufactured from the bones of a dying world, masking the desecration of nature as progress. History, a forgotten memory, a rewritten story, has rendered the mechanisms of exploitation so complicated that blame is hard to place but scapegoats easy to pin.
Don’t let our generation be remembered as the one that saw it coming and let it happen. Sedated in front of the corporately controlled news and enslaved into a system that needs us smart enough to work the equipment, but too dumb to ask any questions, we need to get off the PlayStation, stop with the excuses, the reality tv show marathons, the social media protest, the artificial needs and products built to break.
The edge is closer than we think. The nature of earnings that defined late capitalism has incidentally raped us of nature itself. Our time is marked by a mass extinction, diminishing resources, a global pandemic, and climate change. As the natural world is liquidated and substituted with an artificial one, the silent landscape reveals symptoms of a world exploited beyond use and increasingly reduced to a bottom line. For 50 years, corporate power has been glorified, consumption championed and waste justified. Now we stand before a precarious future. Harm here is harm there. Embrace the absence of escape.

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