Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 |Hand Painted Porcelain Sculpture With Audio Of Hymns Paired With Sexual Abuse Allegations Against Catholic Church | 7in x 14in x 3in | $10000

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Found Object Intervention | 3in x 6in | $80

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Found Object Intervention With Video Installation Inside | 6in x 12in x 5in | $5000

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Sculpture | 5in x 11in x 3in | $3000

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Sculptural Installtion | 20in x 50in x 2in | $10,000

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Sculpture | 27in x 41in x 15in | $5000

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Found Object Intervention Felted Babydoll | 7in x 12in x 2in | $900
![Better than Nothing [Fake Trees]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/567c40b15a5668eee1ff0636/1597167893583-18YU8PMUIRAHI8O7G134/Tree-CapitalismWillStepOverYourDeadBody-HEYDT-2020-Sculptural+Installation+%7C+50inx70inx2in+%7C+%2410000.jpg)
Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Sculptural Installation | 50in x 70in x 2in | $10000

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Sculpture | 4in x 5in x 2in | $2000

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Found Object Intervention | 8in x 12in x 3in | $25000

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Found Object Intervention | 3in x 5in x 2in | $120

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Scultpural Installation | 8in x 21in x 2in | $3000

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Sculpture |9in x 12in x 9in | $1200

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Found Object Intervention | 28in x 12in x 8in | $5000

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 |Sculpture | 20in x 60in | $10000

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Found Object Intervention | Sculpture | 5in x 5in x 5in | $3000

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 |Sculptural Installation | 30in x 20in x 5in | $12000

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Found Object Intervention | 4in x 5in | $1000

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Decollage Intervention | 40inx50in | $10000

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Sculpture | 6in x 6in x 6in | $600

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Sculpture | 20in x 10in x 5in | $2000

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Found Object Intervention | 30inx30in | $10000.

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Decoupaged Cast Bronze Sculpture | 7in x 7in x 2in | $3000

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Found Object Intervention | 7in x 11in x 2in | $3600

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Small Globes on Painted Panel | 11in x 14in | $5000

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Found Object Intervention |

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Found Object Intervention | 10in x 50in x 2in | $12000

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Sculpture | 25in x 50in x 2in |$6000

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Found Object Intervention | 4in x 4in x 4in | $100

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Found Object Intervention | 5in x 5in x 8in | $2000

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Found Object Intervention | 5in x10in x 1in | $3000

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Found Object Intervention | 37in x 50in | $10000

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Found Object Intervention | 10in x 12in x 4in | $3000
After a decade long campaign normalizing Armageddon, we find ourselves at the height of end game capitalisms’ ebullition. The exploitative modes and perfidious violence of the neoliberal system propagate an ideology of freedom and myth of progress that perpetuate its destructive ploy. Pregnant with contradictions and bound by the finality of natural resources, capitalism enacts an expropriation of life. Equality and reciprocity are compromised by the exploitative mechanisms of global interdependence. The social symptomatology of self serving subjectivities and cancerous individualism catapults us towards a time of non-meaning and digital identity. Spheres of insurrection are muffled by cancel culture and echo chamber algorithms. The forces of prevarication that are dragging the socio-political, economic and cultural development that rules us, also reminds us that Capitalism, like everything else, has its limits. This discourse is explored through the re-contextualisation of the prosaic, of prototypes of materialism, of static constructs of collective memory, cultural cliches, threadbare tropes of consumerism and their void slogans warped through repetition. The series converges the perversity of capitalism’s driving forces with the inevitability of its exhaustion.

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Painting | 20in x 15in | $2500

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Found Object Intervention | 40in x 60in | $12000

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Acrylic Painting | 50in x 36in | $8840

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Sculptural Installation | 50in x 30in x 15in | $10,000

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Found Object Intervention | 12in x 9in x 7in | $2500

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Video Game Text on Canvas | 50in x 40in x 3in | $8000

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Found Object Installation | 100in x 80in x 12in | $15000

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Acrylic Painting | 50in x 36in | $8840

Capitalism Will Step Over Your Dead Body | HEYDT | 2020 | Found Object Intervention | 6in x 5in x 3in | $120

![Better than Nothing [Fake Trees]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/567c40b15a5668eee1ff0636/1597170577707-LQEOZY2CWDUJ47BZY2LC/Tree-CapitalismWillStepOverYourDeadBody-HEYDT-2020-Sculptural+Installation+%7C+50inx70inx2in+%7C+%2410000.jpg)